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Essential outdoor activities for summer fun with toddlers!
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Essential outdoor activities for summer fun with toddlers!

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School’s out, the sun’s out and your kids should be too! Long summer days mean just one thing: spending as much time outdoors as you can. Whether that’s in your own backyard or among the great outdoors, we know everyone wants to make the most of this season. This is also the time where there’s no room for boredom because there’s just so much to do in the summer. And sometimes that’s overwhelming with the pressure to make sure your kids are taking classes and workshops and doing something significant every minute of the day.

But summer is actually the best time to go back to some old-school fun and impromptu plans without the stress of going through a huge list of activities. Some of our favourite, easy and must-do ways to make summer super fun are right here and we’d love to know yours too!

Let them get their hands dirty

Summer was made for grubby hands and muddy fingernails! Set up a sandbox in your backyard and give your kids a little beach bucket and spade to make their own sand castles. This is a good way to let them amuse themselves without expecting elaborate activities for entertainment all day. Now’s also a great time to get them into a bit of gardening. Little minds are full of curiosity and the actions of digging, planting and watering are an adventure. Choose a plant that grows quickly and your child will take great joy in watching it come up!

baby trying to get out of his crib

Make evenings as fun as the day

Set up a picnic blanket, pack your kids’ favourite foods and settle in for an evening of star gazing. If this is in your backyard, think about a screen and projector set up to turn it into movie night! You could even pitch tents right there and spend the night sleeping outdoors, what could be more fun for your whole family? Alternatively, check for outdoor movie screenings near you, they’re a favourite summer activity. Summer festivals and carnivals are great in the evenings with the lights and buzz enough to entertain any child!

Make day trips a frequent treat

Planning weekend getaways or longer summer holidays can be a huge task. But simple day trips to the zoo, to the beach, to a farmer’s market, to an amusement park or even to go strawberry picking are all great. You’ll be outdoors and doing something different and no one weekend will be the same. Pile into a car with everything you need and off you go! If your kids can ride bikes, take those along too. For younger children, our PortaPlay activity centres are particularly useful as they fold up easily and can be taken anywhere for them to play in while soaking up some sun.

Jump into the water!

If you live near a beach, you know what to do! If your apartment complex has a pool or there is one nearby, go have a family swim day. If you have a backyard, set up a little kiddie pool and have a barbecue party as they splash around in it. When you water your garden and the sprinklers are on, get your kids to put on their bathing suits and run through them!

two children playing under umbrella on seashore

Create fun DIY projects

Teach your kids to make a bird feeder and make some new feathered friends! Set up a crafts table outside for them to paint or draw what they see around them, and it doubles up as some quiet time! Here again, the PortaPlay is useful because it converts easily from a seat to an activity table. Get them to pick up small rocks and stones from the garden and paint them, give them faces and names and whole personalities! If you’re feeling ambitious, build a tree house with them or for something simpler, a ‘fort’ made with patio furniture and old sheets.

This list can go on as long as these sunny days themselves! What do your kids like to do in the summer? Leave a comment and let us know. We hope your family has a great summer!