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How to be Valentines while being parents!
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How to be Valentines while being parents!

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Every year as February 14 approaches, there’s the usual explosion of heart-shaped chocolates, pink confetti, dramatic gift ideas, Valentine’s dinner specials, and more red balloons than you know what to do with. Before becoming parents, you may even have embraced this holiday and everything that comes with it! But let’s face it, with an infant or a toddler in your life, confetti isn’t really high priority.

The thing is, being made to feel special and being able to take a break is even more important once you are a parent. So whether you’re an enthusiast of the holiday or not, use it as a reason to give yourself some time off. We’ve got a few easy ways to make sure you and your Valentine can enjoy the day, even if that happens to be between diaper changes!

couple touching their heads lovingly holding a new born baby

Image: https://inhabitat.com

Think small

As new parents or as parents of toddlers, you may not have the time or energy for grand gestures, impromptu getaways and elaborate DIY presents. And that’s absolutely ok. For moms, simply showing your appreciation on Valentine’s Day goes a long way. Ensure she gets an uninterrupted nap, it’s is the most thoughtful thing you could give her. Or surprise her with a home cooked candlelight dinner and a ‘coupon book’ for anytime pampering. Get her a gift voucher for something she enjoys, like a yoga class or a spa treatment. And moms, these ideas work for dads too! The two of you can also make a simple plan to head out together for movie night, a picnic in the park, dinner at your favourite old haunt, while a sitter or family member pitches in for the evening.

Rethink romance

A clean home, with minimal toys scattered around, no dirty dishes in the sink and laundry folded away can really set the mood for date night. When both of you are used to seeing a chaotic, messy house, a little effort to go back to the old days and your old selves, makes a big difference. Leave sweet notes for each other to find through the day and make time for a meal together, even if it means eating hot dogs off paper plates. If you are both working, meet up for a longer lunch break than usual. Dance to your favourite songs, even if it’s in your living room. This may be very different from Valentine’s pre-baby, but that’s what makes it interesting!

couple sitting on sofa watching tv and eating popcorn on date night

Image: https://blogbydonna.com

Bring your baby into it

This may not be what you were expecting, but after all, your baby is the centre of your universe now and is the reason your life is now so different! Embrace the new memories you’ve made together. Gifts can be as simple as framed family photographs, or your baby’s first handprint. If you’re both at home with your baby, just order in and plan a movie night during nap time. It will still be special and you’ll have the best of both worlds.

Set new goals together

This can be a fun way to dream of what your next Valentine’s could be like, or it could be a list of things you’ll remember to do for each other through the year. Like weekly date nights, small surprise gifts once in a while, giving each other a break from baby duties now and then. And when the next February 14 rolls round, you can look at that list like a time capsule of sorts and see how you did!

person holding a cute planner with cartoons and colorful designs

It’s easy to feel pressured into doing something big on Valentine’s Day, but the truth is, whatever the two of you feel is special, will be special. Even if you are dealing with toddler tantrums or crying infants, ten minutes together is also an achievement! We hope you like some of our ideas here, and we’d love to hear yours. Write to us at wecare@loveoribel.com and tell us how you celebrated. Happy Valentine’s Day!