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Make time for make believe!
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Make time for make believe!

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The world we live in today doesn’t leave much to the imagination. Technology has turned incredible, impossible things into reality. We’ve seen more, done more, experienced more than even the wildest dreams. Simply put, we’ve reached for the moon and walked on it.

So, here’s a tough task for you as a parent. With everything children today are exposed to, how do you keep their inherent wonder and incredible imagination alive?

Why is it even important anymore? Because the more technology makes unbelievable things possible, the less children look within themselves to create new worlds. And eventually, that could lead to boredom. They need stimulation, pretend play, the thrill of coming up with their own board games, so that the wonder never runs out.

What could we create to help you with this challenge? To start off, we went back to the basics and thought of what sparked our imaginations as kids. Fairy tales, nursery rhymes, bedtime stories, all things make believe!

We took some of the classics and turned them into a fun, interactive range of toys that we call VertiPlay. They can be stuck easily on walls (and removed easily too), reducing the clutter on the floor and expanding the play area. Each toy is made of high-quality wood and colourful blocks make it easy for children to play with them. The best part of course is the new forms of play they will open up.

As Incy Wincy Spider slides up and down the spout, singing the rhyme out loud is only natural while imagining the rain crashing down!

VertiPlay Slidey Spidey incy wincy spider nursery rhyme

As Jack hurtles down the beanstalk and the giant chases him, choose whether to growl like the giant or yell “run, Jack, run!”

VertiPlay Jack vs Giant Jack and the beanstalk nursery rhyme

As old MacDonald walks around his farm greeting all his animal friends, there just has to be a chorus of “Ee-aayi-ee-aayi-oh!” with a quack quack here and a moo moo there!

VertiPlay Old MacDonald had a farm nursery rhyme

And as Jack and Jill go slowly down the hill, watch the scenery flash past as they take a sudden tumble!

VertiPlay Jack and Jill nursery rhyme

In fact, why not take it further?  Imagine a wall covered with these toys, and all the characters becoming friends with one another! Maybe farmer McDonald could take Incy Wincy to his farm or the giant starts chasing the wrong Jack, leaving behind a confused Jill!

With VertiPlay, the world really is your child’s playground. These characters, loved for so many generations, are just waiting to be discovered in a whole new avatar. It’s a wonderful opportunity to for kids to invent their own tales, unbelievable universes and continue to be amazed!