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Raising little wonder women!
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Raising little wonder women!

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There has never been a more interesting or overwhelming time to be a woman in this world. In this age of #metoo, the understanding of what feminism really is, the conversation about gender roles and stereotypes, it really does feel like the time is ripe for (in Beyonce’s words), girls to run the world! But with the heightened pressure around March 8 to be a ‘strong woman’, there needs to be a parallel conversation. What is ‘strong’ and where does it begin?

If you have a little daughter or niece, you know what a challenge it is to raise her to be independent, brave, free-spirited, confident and of course, strong. Mentally, physically and emotionally. It’s a lot of pressure! You’re teaching her that no dream is unachievable just because she’s a girl, she’s not expected to box herself into one role, she’s not supposed to put herself last all the time.

But where do you begin? One of the things that helps is to have great role models. At Oribel, with a team of strong women rooting for the little girl in your life, we understand how important it is to have someone to look up to. Which is why from March 7 to March 11, with every purchase you make on loveoribel.com, you get a free copy of Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls!

good night stories for rebel girls international women's day

This is a book packed with 100 stories about 100 real-life wonder women. It is written in fairy tale style by Elena Favilli and Francesca Cavallo, illustrated by female artists around the world and is the most highly crowdfunded book of all time. From Queen Elizabeth I to Serena Williams and Malala Yousafzai to JK Rowling, these stories have no damsels in distress! Bedtime can suddenly become a hugely empowering, enjoyable time of the time day.

With examples to bring it all alive, little girls will grow up knowing they can and should be in control of their lives. With women in this book and outside of it making waves everywhere, it’s hard for little girls to ignore their dreams because they’re seeing these women live them! They run, they box, they play every possible sport. They are world leaders, CEOs, astronauts, filmmakers, professors, soldiers and supermoms at the same time. They change what ‘fight like a girl’ means, they protest being told what they should look like, talk like, be like. They are fearless, opinionated and tough.

strong little girl

As the conversation on what it means to be a woman gets louder and louder, it’s easy to bring it into your home this Women’s Day. Start your little girl off with toys that aren’t designed just for her, but one that she chooses to play with. Embrace the need for her to be as girly as she wants to, or not at all. Talk to her not about the way she looks or dresses, but about what she’s learning at school, what she’d like to be when she grows up. If you have sons or nephews, get them involved in building a home that encourages their sisters to grow up ready to take on the world! We’re sure these ideas are not new to you and we’d love to hear what else you do to raise strong daughters and supportive sons. Leave a comment or write us at oribelsocial@loveoribel.com and let us know!

A very happy Women’s Day to each and every one of you!