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Launching Cocoon Cospoon!
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Launching Cocoon Cospoon!

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If you came here to preorder the Cocoon Cospoon, unfortunately, there is no super spoon that feeds your child without you having to stress about it! Just a little April Fool’s prank from us because for a change, we decided to be the kids. But now that we think about it, today is a great day to dream of more unbelievable ways to make a parent’s life just a bit easier. Nothing wrong with a little wishful thinking, right? 

Here’s a bunch of products we wish already existed and maybe one day, we’ll make them!

VertiNap: Just imagine being able to nap anywhere you wanted, just like a child can! On those sleep deprived days when you’ve been up all night with a crying baby, the VertiNap lets you power nap standing up, wherever you are! In a supermarket queue, waiting at a red light, standing in the subway. Simply download the VertiNap app on your phone, plug in your earphones, and set an alarm for a 5 to 20 minute nap. Soothing music and a sleep-inducing voice will quickly lull you into a dreamland!

ToyRoomba: We’re all about reducing the clutter of toys and games in your home once your kids start playing. Imagine not having to clean up after them and just set the ToyRoomba to work! It instantly vacuums up stray toys and all you do is empty them into the toy basket.  Easy peezy!

VertiPlayMate: The curiosity of a child’s mind can be fascinating, but not always. When you’re exhausted and can’t answer any more “why’s” and “how’s” about the world, the VertiPlayMate comes to your rescue! Stick it on the wall like our other VertiPlay toys and its AI-powered, smart technology will answer all of your child’s questions. And in the meantime, you get to sit back and relax. Wouldn’t that be great!

FindMyChild App: Just like an app that lets you find your smart phone, we dream of an app that locates your child if they accidentally let go of your hand in a crowded space. Rather than the harness that some parents use, this is just a small wristband for your toddler that tracks movements. If your child is lost, you just need to check your app and immediately know where he or she is. Now you can roam around freely with your child without worrying!

And finally, the dream that started this off in the first place, the Cocoon Co-spoon! If you have a toddler, chances are mealtimes are a little stressful because many of them are fussy eaters. But, with the Cocoon Co-spoon, you don’t have to worry about constantly trying to get them to finish that last bite! Imagine a smart, robotic arm attached to our Cocoon High Chair that patiently feeds your child and even makes broccoli a success. So, go about your chores and leave the Co-spoon in charge, what a lovely picture that is!

What else would you like to invent to make parenting just a bit easier?  Drop a comment below and maybe we’ll start brainstorming!