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Read reviews from moms like you for the Cocoon High Chair, PortaPlay Activity Center and VertiPlay Wall Toys. Curated from the web – Amazon, Instagram, Target and more.


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26 Sep, 2019

Modular and easy to set up!

The folks at @loveoribelsays, “Toys on the wall means less clutter on the floor!”
I totally agree!! Vertiplay toys looks good on the walls too! Adding a design to your kids room!

Behind each Vertiplay STEM Marble Run is an adhesive tape – just peel it off and stick on the wall. Create a Marble Run on the wall with a few simple ramps. And get the marble rolling!! Ramps are easily extendable and completely modular; there is no limit to the length or complexity of the VertiPlay Marble Run! We love how versatile VertiPlay is! Check out our IG story for more combinations we built!
Shared by itsjeanlum on Instagram


24 Sep, 2019

Play time and exploring with Marble Run

Exploring challenges and possibilities to thru Vertiplay STEM Marble run promotes Problem Solving, Logical Thinking, Imagination & creativity . This is recommended for children aged 5 to 99! . . . Due to our tight schedule at home, here's Our short trial play for the past 2 days.. . . Can you differentiate Daddy marble run and Mummy marble run?

Shared by matt_mattheus on Instagram

17 Sep, 2019

Encourages creativity and imagination

[#review] This VertiPlay STEM Marble Run is great for the kids to be creative and use their imagination. I'm glad it brings them together and makes them want to work together to build something awesome☺ #STEMlearning #marblerun #creative #building #motorskills #allboymom #boysplaying #brothers #brotherswhobuild #brotherbonding #VertiPlay #collab #thisismyjob #momofthree #kidfun #instakids

Shared by the.boy.momx3 on Instagram


17 Sep, 2019

So many challenges and possibilities

I love Vertical Wall toys because it eliminates clutter from my floor! If you have young children, you would know what a headache it can be with toys sprawled all around the living room. We had our fair share of screaming and hopping after stepping on a piece of abandoned toy. @LoveOribel introduces VertiPlay STEM Marble Run and we are here to try it out!
There are so many challenges and possibilities to this game which promotes STEM Skills, Math, Engineering, Spartial Thinking, Problem Solving, Logical Thinking, Imagination and Creativity. At first sight, it looks like a toy suitable only for toddlers but truth be told, this is recommended for children aged 4 to 99! I mean look. The challenges are endless. As a four year old, you could probably manage a simple four track run. By seven, you could come up with something more complex and for an 80 year old elderly, what a good toy this would make to help with Motor Skills too! 
If your child loves building and enjoys a good challenging puzzle, this toy could entertain him for hours. Ewan’s the outdoorsy type and while Marble Run could only entertain him for 15 minutes, his friend was stuck at my wall for two and a half hours building and re-creating tracks!
Note: These silicon mat boards stick well on raw wood, painted wood, laminates, dry walls and don’t stick well on textured painted walls and rough surfaces. While it stuck really tightly on the sliding door of Ewan’s closet door, it peels off on its own on our painted wall.

Shared by mmlittlee on Instagram
